Memorial Hall of Lingnan Paint
Jun 8, 2015

Memorial Hall of Lingnan Painting School was erected in memory of Lingnan painters including the founders and contemporary painters of the school, is one of the Province’s important cultural facilities responsible for academic research and cultural exchange. It houses the representative works, life stories, and personal effects of Gao Jianfu, Chen Shuren, Gao Qifeng and other founders. It also collects and purchases the works of contemporary painters, and has gradually established archives of Art for every painter of the Lingnan School so as to accumulate materials for future research work. The Memorial Hall will play an important role in the study of the development of the school, the growth of traditional Chinese painting, and the prosperity of the Chinese culture and art. As well, it will help promote cultural exchanges at home and abroad.

The Memorial Hall, which was most innovative in the history of modern Chinese painting, advocated the integration of Chinese and Western, Modern and Ancient Art. It represents the essence of Guangdong culture. The three founders— Gao Jianfu, Chen Shuren, and Gao Qifeng, were called Three Great Swordsmen. The foremost exponents of the school have transcended the boundary of Guangdong, and become an important force in spreading Chinese culture throughout the heartland of China, Hong Kong, Maocao, Taiwan, and in the West.

The Museum, which is located in the Academy of Fine Arts, is an important base for the students’ fieldwork. It has come a long way in the theoretical studies of art, the spread of Lingnan art, and the exchange of culture. In all, it has done its part to unite overseas Chinese and compatriots of Hong Kong, Maocao, and Taiwan. For many years when overseas celebrities visited Guangdong, they would include a visit to the Memorial Hall without fail. The exhibitions held at the Memorial Hall also attracted a host of art lovers.  

The Aim: The aim is to enhance Chinese culture, carry forward the fine traditions of the Lingnan Painting School, collect more masterpieces of Lingnan painters, promote cultural exchange, and do its part to advance Socialist cultural and ethical progress.

The Nature: The Memorial Hall was especially established in honor of the founders and contemporary painters of the School. As well, it has become Guangdong Province’s important cultural facility responsible for academic research and cultural exchange. It is an academic institute in nature.

The Missions: First, the Memorial Hall was erected in memory of the founders of Lingnan Painting School— Gao Jianfu, Chen Shuren, and Gao Qifeng. Its primary task is to collect their life stories, representative works, and the things they left behind for people to admire. Secondly, it should become a place for Guangdong artists to engage in art studies, the exchange of painting skills, and the display of new works. Thirdly, its mission is to collect the works of Lingnan painters. It will gradually establish archives of art for each Lingnan painter so as to accumulate materials for future research work. In short, it is a place dedicated to the founders, a center for exchange, and a base of teaching & research. The Museum is important in promoting the study of the Lingnan Painting School, the development of traditional Chinese painting, and the rejuvenation of Chinese culture and art.
