Department of Experimental Art
Jun 8, 2015

In the context of economic globalization, Plastic Art has grown into an integrated, experimental art that has crossed the border of disciplines. The department aims to train graduates of art with interdisciplinary knowledge, multiple abilities, and innovative spirit. We stress the integration of technology and humanities, tradition and modernism, especially the cultivation of the ability to judge and handle new things. We go to great lengths to train the students’ ability to analyze and solve problems. We also train their ways of thinking through their abstract analysis and hands-on practice so that they can develop in an all-round way and have the power to survive in a competitive society.

The first target of the department is to train the students’ creative thinking and to explore the modes of cultivating competent graduates. We will explore new art orientation and the possibility of cross-disciplinary cooperation, so as to enhance the efficiency of work.

In the department there are 8 full-time Teachers, including 1 Professor, 2 Associate Professors, 2 Lecturers, and 3 Teaching Assistants. In addition, there are 7 guest Professors. One of the courses is awarded the title of the province’s model course.

Present Leader

Dean: Feng Feng
