Department of Oil Painting
Jun 8, 2015

This department, which originated from Painting Department of Central South Institute of Fine Arts in 1953, was set up in 1956. Since its founding, we have always stuck to the principle of integrating both Chinese and Western, ancient and modern art, making innovations and pursuing scholarship so as to create a lively and dynamic academic atmosphere. Thanks to the concerted efforts of a few generations of artists and scholars, it has grown into a department with high academic standards and a unique system of teaching.

Today, the department boasts of 6 Professors, 6 Associate Professors, and 4 Lecturers. It has a student population of 342, including 243 undergraduate students, 50 postgraduate students, 12 candidates working for the postgraduate entrance exam, and 37 senior candidates working for the same purpose. It has a floor space of almost 2000 square meters. Overall, the low ratio between teachers and students, the wonderful facilities that help make a complete teaching system, and sound regulations combine to provide favorable conditions for the expansion of the department, the deepening of the reform in teaching and academic research, and the building of an oil painting education base that can lead the country.

In the second half of 2004, all the undergraduate students were moved to UniversityTown. There, five studios were set up. The First Studio features figural art, realistic tradition, and the spirit of the times; it stresses fundamental skills and encourages artistic creation on the part of both teachers and students. The Second Studio stresses the influence of art on society, with instruction centering on enlightenments for students and on painting as a language. The Third Studio stresses the students’ artistic individuality and independent spirit, and provides students with technical support and the chance for self-expression. The Fourth Studio stresses the importance of training students’ independent thinking, the modern and contemporary trends of thought, and the changes in cultural and historical perspectives, and emphasizes the students’ comprehension of painting as a language. The Fifth Studio features contemporary experimental art and insists that contemporary art education should be oriented toward the society and serve it. Since 2005, 45 students of the Department have qualified for state-level or province-level art exhibitions and won important prizes, and 83 of them wonWangJialian Scholarshipestablished by Guagngzhou Academy of Fine Arts. As can be seen, their achievements are remarkable!

The department stresses the importance of fostering the students’ power of artistic creation and the academic atmosphere pervades everywhere. The Department has established numerous scholarships including thePhoenix Art Award, Shengling Cultural & Artistic Scholarship, and Star Art Award.To support financially underprivileged students, the department set upYan Biao Aid-the-Poor Oil Painting Scholarship.

Present Leaders:

Dean: Fan Bo

Secretary of the Party Branch: Zhou Yanbing

Vice-Dean: Deng Jianjin
