Department of Printmaking
Jun 8, 2015

The Department, which originated from the Printmaking Department of Central South Institute of Fine Arts, was established in 1958. Since then, it has undertaken the Bachelor Degree education, artistic creation and research work in Central South China. In 1978, it began to enroll postgraduate students and was authorized to confer Master’s Degree in Printmaking studies in 1983. The Department boasts of three specific emphases: printmaking, book binding and layout, and illustration. It consists of a few sections: Copperplate Printing Section, Wood Printing Section, Stone Plate Printing Section, Silk Screen Printing Section, Integrated Printing Section, Binding and Layout Section, Illustration Section. Correspondingly, there are five labs: Copperplate Printing Lab, Wood Printing Lab, Stone Plate Printing Lab, Silk Screen Printing Lab, Integrated Printing Lab.

In 2011, the Department had 21 full-time Teachers, including 6 Professors, 6 Associate Professors, 8 Lecturers, and 1 Teaching Assistant. Most of the staff members are young or middle-aged. Fourteen hold a Masters Degree, that is 66% of the total. As well, there are 1 Secretary in charge of Teaching Affairs, 2 clerks in charge of Ideological Work, and 1 Lab Assistant. As can be seen, the ratio between teachers and students is reasonable and the Department is functioning well.

In 2011 there were 367 undergraduate students and 40 postgraduates. In recent years, thanks to the concerted efforts of all the staff members, the quality of teaching has steadily improved. Basics of Sketch and Printmaking have become the department’s core courses. The works created by the graduates have been extolled by the Academy and the experts in this field. Moreover, the graduates have been well received in the job market across the country.

1. Chen Hongchao the graduate of 2010 won the first prize of Luo Zhongli Scholarship for his graduation creation (altogether 5 winners of the first prize nationwide, only 1 winner of the first prize in printmaking across the country)

2. Nine of the graduates won the first prize of Wang Jialian Scholarship for their amazing graduation creations— the highest of its kind designed by the Academy.

3. Inthe past two years, 3 undergraduate students of the department won the first prize of Xu Qinsong Creation Award (5 in total), 2 undergraduates won the second prize, and 2 undergraduates won the third prize. 1 postgraduate of the department won the first prize of Xu Qinsong Creation Award (in total) and 1 won the third prize.

4. In2010, the creations of 13 graduates of the department were included in the influential exhibition of works from China ’s Top 8 Academies of Fine Arts sponsored by TodayArt Museum. Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts led all others in numbers of works selected.

Present Leaders:

Dean: Li Quanmin

Secretary of the Party Branch and Concurrently Deputy Chief: Li Yujun

Vice-Dean: Deng Yaoming
