Section of Fine Arts Foundation
Jun 8, 2015

The Department, which was set up in April, 2004, is responsible for the teaching of the fundamental courses to freshman. The prime target is to enable the students to master the basic laws of plastic arts, lay down a solid foundation, enhance their art’s quality, and deepen their understanding of plastic arts and art sciences. The ultimate goal is to foster their abilities of observing, analyzing, understanding and depicting objects before they move on to advanced studies.

The Department consists of Sketch Basics Section, Color Section, and Integration Basics Section. In all, there are six required courses: Sketch Basics, Color Basics, and Anatomy for the Artist, Perspective for the Artist, Basics of Composition Form, and Basics of Calligraphy. As well as in-class teaching, some courses are taught outside. The Department stresses the interactive teaching, the mastery of related knowledge, the independence and interlink of each module, thus forming its own distinctive features of teaching.

1. Interactive Teaching

The Department utilizes the adequate space of classrooms and fully implements interactive teaching. The Dean, the Section Chief, the Secretary in charge of Teaching Affairs, the Teacher, and the Student form a network of interactive teaching. The Dean or the Section Chief can hold a teaching seminar anytime at any place according to the specific conditions of each class, so that both teachers and students can observe the strong points of the performing class and understand the observer’s weak points. The interactive teaching can go on in a few classes at the same time and the large network of teaching and learning can help raise the quality of classroom teaching.

2. Mastery of Related Knowledge

Since the teaching covers a few specialties or academic emphases of Plastic Art, the Department manages to break down the intrinsic barriers between specialties and requires that the Teacher should guide the students from different perspectives into their field of studies and cultivate their analytical ability and problem-solving skills.

3. Independence and Interlink of Modules. Taking Basics of Sketch and Basics of Color as the core modules, Anatomy for the Artist, Perspective for the Artist, Basics of Composition Form, and Basics of Calligraphy as the auxiliary modules, the Department manages to distribute class hours reasonably, and so forms the progressive teaching methods. The core modules and auxiliary modules can coordinate and promote each other while preserving their own independence and integrity.

There are 9 full-time Teachers, including 2 Professors, 3 Associate Professors, 4 Lecturers, and 1 Secretary in charge of Teaching Affairs. Besides, the Department hires a few influential experts and some Teachers of Plastic Art and Design from other Departments of the Academy. The current student population of the department totals 277.

The department attaches importance to the professional knowledge of the teachers and encourages them to exhibit and publish their works or attend academic activities in their spare time. Meanwhile, the department requires them to compile course books and write papers so as to raise their academic level.

Present leader:

Dean: Huang Yong
