School of Architecture and Allied Art
Jun 8, 2015

This school, which was founded in September, 2010, boasts of four specialties: Architecture Design, Environmental Design, Decorative Art Design, and Ceramic design. The specialty of Environmental Art Design was initiated in 1986, the specialty of Decorative Art Design in 1953, and the specialty of Ceramic Art & Design in the mid-1960s.

The School has 690 undergraduate students, 57 post graduate students, 14 candidates for professional Master’s Degree. Among the 43 staff members, there are 7 Professors, 12 Associate Professors, 14 MA supervisors, 1 candidate for the Province’s Grand Project (which hopes to train 10 grand masters most influential at home and abroad, 100 academic pacesetters leading a certain field of frontier studies, and 1000 scholars who have great potentials for academic studies), and 3 candidates for the Academy’s great projects. Also, the school trains young teachers by sending them abroad to study or deliver lectures.

The School attaches great importance to teaching. Ever since it’s founding, we have encouraged a teamwork spirit and introduced new modes of teaching –the integration of the teaching-and-research section, the studio, and the laboratory. At present, to meet the requirement of teaching, the school has set up seven teaching-and-research sections: City and Architecture, Technologies and Materials, Environmental Ecology and Culture, Interior Decoration, Applied Art and Furnishing, Industrial Arts, and Ceramic Arts. The teaching of the school fully embodies the integration of Architecture and Space Art Education, and so brings the unique features of the discipline into bold relief.

The school has achieved remarkable academic results. In recent years, the teachers have published 20 monographs and more than 90 papers in the domestic and foreign core journals, won 8 important research projects (2 from the Ministry of Education, and 6 from the Department of Education of Guangdong Province), acquired 14 school-level research projects, with the fund totaling 1 million Yuan, and undertaken 48 cooperative research projects for enterprises with the fund amounting to more than 100 million Yuan.

Present leader

Dean: Shen Kang

Secretary of the Party Branch: Lin Sheng

Vice Dean: Yang Yan
